ZORN ZFG Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)

High precision Dynamic Plate Load Test equipment. Determination of the elastic deformation modulus Evd

The Dynamic Plate Load Test is a rapid field test for assessing the compaction quality and for estimating the bearing capacity of soil and rock materials in earthworks, foundation engineering and road & railway construction.

ZORN ZFG Light Weight Deflectometers provide reliable quality control of subgrade and sub-base layers during or shortly after construction. A test takes less than two minutes, can be carried out by one person and the results allow immediate assessment of compaction progress during the application of individual layers of material.

Here comes our range of ZORN ZFG models...

ZFG 3000 | Light Weight Deflectometer with compact measuring electronics in a robust case including printer

ZFG 3.1 | Light Weight Deflectometer with small handheld device (optional: printer, printer case...)

ZORN Mini | Light Weight Deflectometer for narrow trenches (broadband, fiber optics, trenching)

Asphalt Tester | Ensures traffic clearance

Click here for the accessories.

Reliably check compaction quality

The test undertaken using the Light Weight Deflectometer ZFG is used as a standard test in all areas of road construction these days. Irrespective of whether soils are compacted using manually operated tampers and vibrating plates, or by road rollers. With a ZFG 3000 or the ZFG 3.1 from ZORN you are able to check the quality of the compacting work quickly and reliably at any time.

The reliable and consistent use of the measuring device also called a "drop plate" is regulated in Germany in particular by the Technical Testing Regulations for Soil and Rock in Road Construction (TP BF-StB) Part 8.3, in conjunction with the Zusätzlichen Technischen Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien für Erdarbeiten im Straßenbau (Supplementary Technical Conditions of Contract and Guidelines for Earthworks in Road Construction) (ZTV-E StB).

ZORN INSTRUMENTS also operates a calibration stand for the Lightweight Deflectometer. This stand was developed by us for the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and was the first of its type to be approved by the authorities.

You will find more detailed information on our technical service on the calibration and servicing page.

For decades, highly qualified employees from ZORN INSTRUMENTS have been actively involved in related research and standardisation forums, in Germany and worldwide. Numerous international standards such as ASTM E2835-11 or the Austria test specification RVS 08.03.04 in the meantime permit users to use the dynamic plate load test correctly in their countries and in the related conditions there.

Test specifications and contractual terms and conditions for the
dynamic plate load test.

Dynamic plate load test specifications: the Lightweight Deflecto-
meter from ZORN INSTRUMENTS meets all specifications for the
correct usage of the dynamic plate load test.

TP BF-StB Part B 8.3
Road construction, Part E1 (Statistics)

Road construction, base courses, sewer construction

NGT 39 - Eisenbahnbau
Railway construction

RIL 836 Deutsche Bahn AG
Guidelines for the use of the lightweight deflectometer in railway

RVS 08.03.04 March 2008
Compaction verification using dynamic plate load test (Austrian
test specification)

UNE 103 807-2
Spanish test specification

ASTM E2835-11

All certificates at a glance.
